A full denture allows you to replace all of your natural teeth and associated tissues and is supported by the gums.
A partial denture allows you to replace one or more missing natural teeth and associated tissues.
If you're about to loose your teeth immediate dentures are your best option to recreate your smile as soon as possible after your procedure.
Implant dentures provide a firmer fit by attaching to implant anchors positioned by your Dental Surgeon.
Flexible dentures are the most popular cosmetic option as there are no visible clips/clasps on your teeth when you smile.
Professionally fitted mouthguards greatly reduce the chances of tooth damage or painful laceration of lips and mouth during sport.
We can also repair broken dentures, or reline dentures that have become loose over time as well as adding additional teeth.
Soft denture relines provide additional comfort by placing a cushioning layer between your denture and your gum. They are perfect for people who experience nerve pinching or excessive pressure on the gum.